Workbench: Conversion EGM08_REDNAP.grd
The FME workbench 'Convert_GRD_from Ngrid.fmw' , is used to transform the geoid adaptation file EGM08_REDNAP.grd expressed in the GRD format, to a text file.
The file EGM08_REDNAP.grd is an adaptation of the EGM2008 global geoid of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency to the vertical reference system in Spain: Spanish Network of High Precision Leveling (REDNAP)).
It includes the data of the geographical area between the parallels 44º N and 35º N and the meridians 9º30 'W and 4º30' E and therefore it is applicable to the Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.
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